But friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life, and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
Yup! I would like to confess something about the title of this post. The film is the most worst Indonesian film ever (sorry guys).Heh..I was voluntarily went out from the cinema after the show has been played for 30 mins. Tapi post saya hari ini bukan berkenaan film tersebut cuma meminjam titlenya sahaja.Hihi courtesy from Cik Lyn yang mengimbau masa lampau. I'm soo happy meeting my two beloved friends .

First, melihat Cik Ima- the preggy one..Oh!Sangat comel!Gebu, kata Cik Lyn..Yes!Cik Lyn memang suka guna ayat yang bombastik and plastik.. :). Secondly. tengok muka Cik Lyn yang 'glowing' sitting next to her BF, Fakhrul...You, he is OK. No worries, both of you look fine together. Well,time flies... Irma is soon to be a mom, Cik Lyn is getting closer to her big day..and Me? I am happily no worries waiting for the right person..chill la.. Hihi.

They are my sweet darling angels who always be there for me. They make me laugh and cry at the same time. Sangat comel mereka ini.

Preggy Ima.Comel sangat.5 months now, another 4 months for the baby to see her Auntie Amy :). See my hands, the baby has been touched by an angel...Hehehe..